The older I get, The more I want…

… simplicity and clarity that is. I don’t want more STUFF.

Today we celebrate Simplicity Day and the birthday of
Henry David Thoreau (1817-1862)

 who advised us to:

“Go confidently in the direction of your dreams! Live the life you’ve imagined. As you simplify your life, the laws of the universe will be simpler; solitude will not be solitude, poverty will not be poverty, nor weakness weakness.”

I don’t want complicated STUFF in my life, in my relationships, or even in the technology that I use (and I technology). If it’s not straightforward and clear I don’t want it. I hope that I am.
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There is one thing that’s definitely clear. Moving can really bring into focus how much stuff we accumulate in our lives. It’s hard for me to wrap my brain around how much stuff I have gained in just 6 months, notwithstanding the years and years of stuff I have acquired. I have moved so many times that I can’t even count them on my fingers OR my toes. I’ve moved within the same city, to a different city, to a different state and back again… full circle. I always say “change is good, even if it’s a nickel” and I enjoy the excitement of starting something fresh and new each time, but this moving thing (packing, unpacking, repacking all this stuff and living out of suitcases and boxes) is for the birds! It’s just TOO MUCH STUFF!! It’s time downsize and apply the K.I.S.S. and make it a better rule (Keep it Simple Simon) to every aspect of my life.

Where to start? I’ve only got 2 things on my list. (1) Identify what’s most important to me; and (2) Eliminate everything else. It ain’t gonna be easy, but I am working towards getting rid of that clutter that’s blinding my way… getting in the way of me living my imagined life.

Today I will spend my time doing the things I love, and being with the people I love, (both near and far), Always with Love.

And in the words of Henry David Thoreau… “Simplicity, simplicity, simplicity! I say, let your affairs be as two or three, and not a hundred or a thousand; instead of a million count half a dozen, and keep your accounts on your thumb-nail.”

My Life’s Just Fine

Today is Compliment Your Mirror Day!

When I heard about this day, I immediately thought about Mary J. Blige’s song, Just Fine. It’s one of those “make you feel good about you” songs. And every time I hear it, no matter where I am, no matter what I’m doing, it makes me smile and I have to move to the beat. And you know what my favorite part of the song is right?  ♪ … So I like what I see when I’m looking at me when I’m walking past the mirror ♫ …  I sing that part real loud and strong!  BTW, Mary J. is jamming in this video (note the Michael Jackson moves). Her dancing seems to express exactly how I feel when I hear this song and see the video. Visualize, if you will, me doin’ the wop in my mirror right now this second. Enjoy the video!!

… and when you walk past your mirror today, don’t forget to compliment it!  Does it smile back after the compliment? 

Sing it with me y’all… Always with Love!

Feels so good, when you’re doing all the things that you want to do
Get the best out of life, treat yourself to something new

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In yourself, believe in you, believe in me
Having a really good time, I’m not complaining
And I’m a still wear a smile if it raining
I got to enjoy myself regardless
I appreciate life, I’m so glad I got mine
So I like what I see when I’m looking at me
When I’m walking past the mirror…


Quiet Lessons… ~ by Cathi Young

Welcome Guest Blogger Cathi Young to “Blogs Always with Love”!

The Quiet Lessons of My Father (a/k/a “My Papa”)
~ by Cathi Young

My father was a man of few words. But, oh God, he taught a lot of silent lessons. Maybe it was in the way he looked, maybe it was in the way he walked, or just maybe it was in the way he quietly smiled. My first quiet lesson came when I was little girl, around two. I cried and cried to go home with one of my big brothers. My Papa took me to his knee, my very first quiet lesson. In this lesson I learned that no is no, it wasn’t about what I wanted.

The next vital silent lesson came when my girlfriends and I took our very first college road trip. We were Carbondale bound to sing at SIU with our choral group. Of course, it was Kappa Carnival weekend (big party time too). My father let me take the car for the whole weekend [this was a miracle]. We pulled up into the parking lot of the Ramada Inn upon arrival, excited, too excited! We began removing our luggage from the trunk. Lo and behold, in my excitement I laid the keys on the trunk floor and closed the trunk. I had to call Papa!

My Papa had to get my brother to drive more than two hours to bring the spare key. When he and my brother drove up to meet me in the parking lot, I didn’t know whether to be happy or sad. One thing I knew for sure, Papa was mad. I asked my brother why Papa didn’t speak. My brother assured me that it was best that he didn’t – another quiet lesson from my Papa.

My Papa passed on the 3rd day of September (one month, 9 days before the birth of my first child). The time we spent together while I was home on maternity leave was a divine gift. We spent time talking, sharing, laughing, crying, praying, and playing. The eve before he quietly departed, I received my last lesson from Papa. He told me that Mama wanted him to come and be with her (my mother had passed less than two years before). The last quiet lesson was: “Love lasts an eternity.”

I will always cherish the memory of my Papa.

In memory of Augusta Young, Sr. (“Papa”)

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Happy Fathers Day… to all who are blessed to be called dad, daddy, pops, papa… and remembering my father Charles D. Thomas, always with love, never without (gone but never forgotten). 
What Today will Tomorrow Be?
Check it out on the right under the heading  
Every Day’s a Reason to Celebrate … AWL! 

Smile A While

Today is… Smile Power Day!


Smiling, laughing, and positive thinking have been shown to have a huge number of health benefits to the mind and body, both physically and emotionally.

When was the last time you laughed uncontrollably, with tears running down your face? For me, it happens every time I’m around my mom – its usually at some type of family event; we have to get “that laugh” out. And much to the chagrin of other family members, it typically happens late at night, just as everyone has said their good-nights and are “trying” to go to sleep. It classically ends with me running… sometimes crawling out of the room… anything to get away, in order to stop. Don’t know why we have that affect on each other. And boy, do we hear about it the next morning from the fam. It’s been said that laughter is the best medicine. For me, it’s the best thing ever! I try to do it every day.

But let’s get back to smiling. I recently read that a smile gives the same level of stimulation as eating 2,000 chocolate bars. (Silver Lining: Shows on your face – not your hips) Woo Hoo! It takes twice as many muscles to frown as it does to smile.  And did you know that a smile can lower the blood pressure of everyone who sees it? Apparently, smiling can lengthen your life.

Smiling is the most recognized form of beauty, friendship, acceptance and goodwill. For something that is so easy to give. 

And did you see the SMILE of Congresswoman Gabby Gifford pics posted on facebook? Now that’s inspiration for a smile! I bet you know someone that can use your smile today!  So go ahead — pass it on! It won’t cost a thing.

Which brings me to this. I am reminded of a little poem I heard when I was about 14 years old and it is forever etched in my brain. And it goes a little something like this…

Smile a while.
And while you smile, another smiles.
And soon there will be miles of smiles
And life is worthwhile…
Just because YOU SMILED!

I wish you all a day full of smiles! Pass it On — Always with Love, Never Without!

 What Today will Tomorrow Be?

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Check it out on the right under the heading  
Every Day’s a Reason to Celebrate … AWL! 

The Audicity to Hope

Today is… Audacity to Hope Day!

It is a day for all Americans to recommit to their dreams with the “audacity to hope” that those dreams can be achieved.

Yesterday it was announced that employers only hired 54,000 new workers in May. This is the fewest number in eight months, and the unemployment rate rose to 9.1 percent… and stocks plunged. And that’s just about the economy. When there’s so much disheartening news in the news, I have the NERVE to hope!

When the storms come, I have the COURAGE to hope… I know that this too shall pass.

It is my hopes and dreams (and a whole lot of prayin’) that get me through rough times. We are a very blessed nation and we, the people, are resourceful. I believe there really is growth out there – it’s just not in the “traditional” way. We are Freelancers, Contractors, Consultants, Independent Workers, and At Home Workers, and that’s just the tip of the iceberg.  It takes GUTS!
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I choose to count my blessings this and every day, and look to the future with positivity and with… the AUDACITY to hope for a better day for Our America.

In these uncertain times, I have HOPE for me, HOPE for our country, and…HOPE for you too.  

May your dreams take you… to the corners of your smiles, to the highest of your hopes, to the windows of your opportunities, and to the most special places your heart has ever known.

Always with Love, Never Without!

Leave the Office Early

Today is… National Leave the Office Early Day!

In case you didn’t know… so, I’m shutting it down… I’m packing it up! Right now this second!  No more work for me today.  There’s an EDGEvantage to being your own boss!

 What Today will Tomorrow Be?

Check it out on the right under the heading  
Every Day’s a Reason to Celebrate … AWL!

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Clips Will Keep us Together

Today is… Paper Clip Day!

What would we do without paper clips?  I shiver to think!  They are great for holding papers together — especially before permanently stapling them.  I detest the metal ones, but I LOVE the colored plastic ones… Not just because I like to color-code things (as important as that is), but because the metal puts my teeth on edge — like fingernails on a chalk board! 

I once worked with a guy who would go around the office and pick up all the paper clips and staples off the floor.  I don’t know how he ever got any work done… Oh wait, that’s right, he was (and I’m sure still is) anal-getic.

The Office Assistant
The Office Assistant

And remember back in the day when that “paper clip guy” (a.k.a. clipit, a.k.a. the Office Assistant) would show up in MS Word when you were trying to type a letter and ask if you needed help?  THANKS — BUT NO THANKS!  I learned very quickly how to permanently turn that little guy off!!  But I digress… 

There are so many great uses for paper clips other than keeping papers together.  I have used them in a “pinch” (pun intended) for holding my blouse together when it was just a little too low cut (which or course, didn’t seem that way before I left the house); or when a hem in my pants comes loose. And they’re great bookmarks too!  And how about making paper clip chain links as a child — remember that? 

I’m sure you have some interesting things you’ve used paper clips for — PLEASE DO SHARE!!  

P.S.  Happy Paper Clip Day! . . .

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 What Today will Tomorrow Be?

Check it out on the right under the heading  
Every Day’s a Reason to Celebrate … AWL!