Smile A While

Today is… Smile Power Day!


Smiling, laughing, and positive thinking have been shown to have a huge number of health benefits to the mind and body, both physically and emotionally.

When was the last time you laughed uncontrollably, with tears running down your face? For me, it happens every time I’m around my mom – its usually at some type of family event; we have to get “that laugh” out. And much to the chagrin of other family members, it typically happens late at night, just as everyone has said their good-nights and are “trying” to go to sleep. It classically ends with me running… sometimes crawling out of the room… anything to get away, in order to stop. Don’t know why we have that affect on each other. And boy, do we hear about it the next morning from the fam. It’s been said that laughter is the best medicine. For me, it’s the best thing ever! I try to do it every day.

But let’s get back to smiling. I recently read that a smile gives the same level of stimulation as eating 2,000 chocolate bars. (Silver Lining: Shows on your face – not your hips) Woo Hoo! It takes twice as many muscles to frown as it does to smile.  And did you know that a smile can lower the blood pressure of everyone who sees it? Apparently, smiling can lengthen your life.

Smiling is the most recognized form of beauty, friendship, acceptance and goodwill. For something that is so easy to give. 

And did you see the SMILE of Congresswoman Gabby Gifford pics posted on facebook? Now that’s inspiration for a smile! I bet you know someone that can use your smile today!  So go ahead — pass it on! It won’t cost a thing.

Which brings me to this. I am reminded of a little poem I heard when I was about 14 years old and it is forever etched in my brain. And it goes a little something like this…

Smile a while.
And while you smile, another smiles.
And soon there will be miles of smiles
And life is worthwhile…
Just because YOU SMILED!

I wish you all a day full of smiles! Pass it On — Always with Love, Never Without!

 What Today will Tomorrow Be?

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Check it out on the right under the heading  
Every Day’s a Reason to Celebrate … AWL! 

90 Degrees in the Shade

 Today is… National Ice Tea Day????

Although today is National Ice Tea Day, it’s FREE lemonade for all in Nature’s Air Conditioned City (my hometown of Bluefield, WV)!  Residents are treated to that cool refreshing drink when the temperature reaches 90 degrees.

Serving free lemondade is a long tradition (72 years) and is a rare treat indeed, as Bluefield, WV usually lives up to it’s nickname of Nature’s Air Conditioned City. But apparently not this year — it’s 90 degrees in the shade! in Bluefield!  It’s the 3rd time this year (and Summer’s not even here yet!) that lemonade will be served. 

But Wait, There’s More…

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  • This year has set a record of the earliest date that lemonade has been served.
  • There have been 35 summers that the temperature never reached 90 degrees.
  • In 2010, Bluefield served its historic 200th serving of free lemonade. 
  • There have been many summers when the official thermometer at the Mercer County Airport never hit 90 degrees.
  • Bluefield hit 90 degrees a record 18 times during the summer of 2007.
  • There was not one single 90-degree reading in 2008 or 2009.
  • The highest the mercury has ever climbed to date is 96 degrees, set back in 1988.

Looks like 2011 is off to a record-breaking start… can you say “global warming”?  I can attest to a definite shift in the climate (both winters and summers) in my hometown. What do you think?

Free Lemonade, that cool refreshing drink…
being served in Bluefield, WV on June 10, 2011
11:30 AM – 1:30 PM
 (and is… My Favorite Thing, Right Now This Second)!

The Audicity to Hope

Today is… Audacity to Hope Day!

It is a day for all Americans to recommit to their dreams with the “audacity to hope” that those dreams can be achieved.

Yesterday it was announced that employers only hired 54,000 new workers in May. This is the fewest number in eight months, and the unemployment rate rose to 9.1 percent… and stocks plunged. And that’s just about the economy. When there’s so much disheartening news in the news, I have the NERVE to hope!

When the storms come, I have the COURAGE to hope… I know that this too shall pass.

It is my hopes and dreams (and a whole lot of prayin’) that get me through rough times. We are a very blessed nation and we, the people, are resourceful. I believe there really is growth out there – it’s just not in the “traditional” way. We are Freelancers, Contractors, Consultants, Independent Workers, and At Home Workers, and that’s just the tip of the iceberg.  It takes GUTS!
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I choose to count my blessings this and every day, and look to the future with positivity and with… the AUDACITY to hope for a better day for Our America.

In these uncertain times, I have HOPE for me, HOPE for our country, and…HOPE for you too.  

May your dreams take you… to the corners of your smiles, to the highest of your hopes, to the windows of your opportunities, and to the most special places your heart has ever known.

Always with Love, Never Without!

Cherries – My favorite thing (rnts)

My Favorite Thing — Right Now This Second!

Dark Cherries

Cherries are one of my all time favorite fruits, and I enjoy them fresh during the summer months regularly. But before you know it, they are gone and you have to wait until next season to find them fresh in grocery stores.

Some of my best summer-time memories growing up in West by God Virginia were picking cherries right off the trees in the neighborhood (One had to be very careful with which neighbor it was though. Some of those mean ol’ neighbors would come out with their rifles pointed! ha ha ha). All those good ol’ fruit trees (cherry, apple, pear, and peach) in the ol’ hood are gone now. So sad! 🙁

A friend recently introduced me to Dark Sweet Cherries (the frozen kind). Not only are they good tasting, but they are good for you too!  I found them in the frozen fruit section at the local grocery store.  Who knew!!!  Imagine how many times I’ve passed them up while getting frozen strawberries for making strawberry shortcake? Now, lucky for us cherry lovers, they can be eaten all year round. 

Some interesting tidbits my dear friend also told me about cherries… they are considered a SUPER fruit and they help with inflammation. I also found out that cherries provide vitamin C, beta carotene (19 times more than blueberries and strawberries) potassium, magnesium, iron, fiber and folate (a water-soluble B vitamin that occurs naturally in food. fyi “folic acid” is the synthetic form of folate). And, as if taste alone was not enough, for added bonus — a diet incorporating cherries lowers body weight, cholesterol AND reduces body fat (i.e., “belly” fat – woo hoo!!) according to a clinical study by the University of Michigan. And did I mention the frozen ones are already pitted?!!

From now on, I plan to keep a bag in the freezer so I can nibble on their sweet deliciousness whenever I want – Spring, Summer, Winter and Fall!  It’s sure better for me than eating those Reese’s Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter Cups that I love! 

Frozen Dark Sweet Cherries are My Favorite Thing … right now this second!

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Leave the Office Early

Today is… National Leave the Office Early Day!

In case you didn’t know… so, I’m shutting it down… I’m packing it up! Right now this second!  No more work for me today.  There’s an EDGEvantage to being your own boss!

 What Today will Tomorrow Be?

Check it out on the right under the heading  
Every Day’s a Reason to Celebrate … AWL!

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Clips Will Keep us Together

Today is… Paper Clip Day!

What would we do without paper clips?  I shiver to think!  They are great for holding papers together — especially before permanently stapling them.  I detest the metal ones, but I LOVE the colored plastic ones… Not just because I like to color-code things (as important as that is), but because the metal puts my teeth on edge — like fingernails on a chalk board! 

I once worked with a guy who would go around the office and pick up all the paper clips and staples off the floor.  I don’t know how he ever got any work done… Oh wait, that’s right, he was (and I’m sure still is) anal-getic.

The Office Assistant
The Office Assistant

And remember back in the day when that “paper clip guy” (a.k.a. clipit, a.k.a. the Office Assistant) would show up in MS Word when you were trying to type a letter and ask if you needed help?  THANKS — BUT NO THANKS!  I learned very quickly how to permanently turn that little guy off!!  But I digress… 

There are so many great uses for paper clips other than keeping papers together.  I have used them in a “pinch” (pun intended) for holding my blouse together when it was just a little too low cut (which or course, didn’t seem that way before I left the house); or when a hem in my pants comes loose. And they’re great bookmarks too!  And how about making paper clip chain links as a child — remember that? 

I’m sure you have some interesting things you’ve used paper clips for — PLEASE DO SHARE!!  

P.S.  Happy Paper Clip Day! . . .

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 What Today will Tomorrow Be?

Check it out on the right under the heading  
Every Day’s a Reason to Celebrate … AWL!

Wig Out!

May 27 is… National Wig Out Day!

When I first heard about this day, my first thought was ooooh … here’s an opportunity and a great excuse to “wig out” — you know… throw a huge fit over something that’s not important all!  But then I did my research and found out that’s not what this day is about at all.  This is a day to celebrate the wigs on our heads.  Apparently, this day was started back in 2006 when sisters Kate and Alice Clark inspired the residents of Bellingham, Washington to wear wigs to work, then gather downtown at the end of the day for a party.  Anything for a party right?  This celebration has now spread across the country.

As for me, I’ve only worn a wig during a brief period of time in my life.  I was about 3 years old and every now and again I would put on my momma’s wig and voilà… I became Gina, my alter ego.  I guess I had a little itty bitty teeny tiny diva in me!  And as Gina, I would sing “When I Saw Her Standing There” by The Beatles and play my air guitar. ♪ … how could I dance with another – woooooo ♫ smw (shaking my wig)!

Now I don’t have a wig to put on today – but this is a shout out to all my girls who will be wigging it out this day!  Happy National Wig Out Day! 
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… that reminds me, it’s time to get the undone doo did!

What Today will Tomorrow Be?

Check it out on the right under the heading
Every Day’s a Reason to Celebrate … AWL!

For the Love of Dance

May 25 is… National Tap Dance Day!

In honor of this day, my thoughts go waaaay back (circa 1960’s) to my sisters (Charlotte and Debbie) dancing with their little fancy costumes on at their recitals.  I also remember wanting to take dance lessons as a child.  I took piano and clarinet lessons, but for some reason, never dance — and it’s a shame too because I love to dance!  Unfortunately, I was too young to take lessons with my sisters, but I sure did practice with them all the time.  I can still recall some of the steps to “Gold Finger” — and might be able to show you a step or 2 too! [SIDEBAR PUN — tu tu] … (kick ball change, kick ball change).  Anyway… the entire family would put on their Sunday’s best and head to the dance recitals.  FYI, everything in my family was a big event… and mom and dad always had the video camera pointed and ready to shoot.  So in honor of all dancers all over the world (professionals and the not-so), I’m sharing this little clip I found in my “old files” stash, of my sisters Debbie (on right) [miss u Deb — R.I.P.] and Charlotte (on left) cuttin’ a rug (sorry no music).  I hope you enjoy — Always with Love!  

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P.S… Shout out to Dancers Unite – The Premier Dance Studio of Charlotte, NC. — HAPPY NATIONAL TAP DANCE DAY!! 

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What Today will Tomorrow Be?

 Check it out on the right under the heading  
Every Day’s a Reason to Celebrate … AWL!

Welcome to my Blog… Always with Love!

May 24 is… Brother’s Day

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Today we celebrate brotherhood… whether it is biological, fraternity, or some other lifetime affiliation….  Happy day to all the brothas around the world!  Especially my three biological brothas — Donald, Gerald & Charles!  AWL, NW!

What Today will Tomorrow be?