Today is… National Senior Citizens Day!

Over twenty years ago, President Reagan declared August 21st National Senior Citizens Day.
“For all they have achieved throughout life and for all they continue to accomplish, we owe older citizens our thanks and a heartfelt salute. We can best demonstrate our gratitude and esteem by making sure that our communities are good places in which to mature and grow older.” ~ President Ronald Reagan
I am reminded of the special Birthday message my mother received from President Obama and our First Lady, just a few weeks ago. It was one of many highlights of her 80th Birthday celebration!
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Speaking of Senior Citizens, I recently received my first AARP information in the mail. I quickly, without hesitating (or reading) threw it away. Wait, I left out a part. I first tore it up – then I threw it away! Surely, this mail was meant for my mother and not ME. I know it’s not time for ME to receive such a thing. But alas, yes my friends, it is indeed that time. There have been many signs leading the way to this mailing. All I have to do is look in the mirror and see all the gray hair (which actually started graying when I was in my 20’s). A big sign? Not so much. But a sign nonetheless. It has been suggested that I embrace the gray! Hmmmm. I’m still thinking about that one. And let’s not forget about the new aches and pains. And Lord knows, I can’t eat the same things I used to. As my grandmother used to say… “the older you get, the older you get!” I didn’t quite “get it” at the time, but I have learned no truer words have been spoken! … But, I digress.
Today, in particular, let’s be sure to spend time with our Very Special Seniors (“VSS”). Visit them in nursing homes or assisted living facilities. Get together with your older loved ones and share stories and fondly recount old memories… while you make new ones.
And if YOU are a VSS, this is YOUR day! Enjoy it doing what ever YOU choose. And don’t forget to take advantage of all those senior citizens discounts and specials.
Hmmmm, maybe I should have held on to that mail!! Well no, I’m not quite old enough to get the discounts yet! But, I am knocking on 50’s door. One thing I’m sure of though, and it’s that there will be more AARP information forthcoming — Lord willin’ and the crick don’t rise. Next time, I’ll be sure to read it… before I throw it away! Afterall, “Old age is no place for sissies.” ~Bette Davis
Happy Senior Citizens Day… Always with Love!
Great post! I bet your Mom did love that Happy Birthday message from the President. That was so special.
I work in healthcare and have a soft spot for seniors. They are so cute and so full of stories and knowledge. I love the couples that come in that have been married for 60 years. I ask them how they have stayed married so long, the husband always says he always did what he was told. And sometimes he pretended not to hear what she said:)
Thanks for sharing!